Bolsonaro desistiu de dar subsídio a igrejas graças à política de economia do governo - Noticia Informe

Bolsonaro gave up subsidizing churches thanks to the government's economy policy


President Jair Bolsonaro is Roman Catholic. However, there are many people who do not know this. This is because it is not uncommon for the ruler to be present at services in evangelical churches, receiving prayers from pastors. It is important to emphasize that this relationship between the president and the evangelical public cannot be ignored. That's because she was crucial to his victory in the 2018 elections. Bolsonaro gave up giving subsidy to evangelical churches.

This decision by the ruler could disappoint part of his support base in Congress, which is also evangelical. However, it does not appear that this was the case. Bolsonaro justified his decision by mentioning the government's economic policy. In response to what he said, deputy Silas Câmara (Republicans) declared that his decision was very correct. Want to know more about what happened? Then continue reading the article!


Bolsonaro desiste de dar subsídio
Understand why Bolsonaro gave up subsidizing churches. Photo: Edilson Dantas / Agência O Globo

Bolsonaro gave up giving subsidy and explained why! Understand!

Bolsonaro gave up giving subsidy, but he did not fail to justify himself. According to him, the impact of the benefit for the evangelical churches would be “minimal at the end of the line”. Still, he declared that it is his government's economic policy to no longer allow this type of cash grant.

Bolsonaro also made it very clear that it was his decision not to give the benefit to the churches. Still, he said he used the advice of the Ministry of Economy as a basis. When making this statement, one can see that the president was concerned to show that he did not give up granting the subsidy without having good reasons for doing so.


It is important to clarify that Bolsonaro's decision could disappoint the main leaders of the country's evangelical churches. One can mention, among them, the missionary RR Soares, who heads the International Church of Grace of God. It is also worth mentioning that these religious leaders are also involved in collecting the 500,000 signatures needed to create the “Aliança pelo Brasil” party.

However, it seems that the decision did not have an unintended effect. According to deputy Silas Câmara, the withdrawal of Bolsonaro, who in the past had asked for a draft decree to allow the subsidy, did not tarnish his image in “absolutely nothing” in front of evangelicals.

Final considerations

Having said that, we News Report we hope we have clarified why Bolsonaro gave up giving grant for evangelical churches. Do you want to know more information about the economy of the country and the world? So keep following our website!


Source:  wow