Pessoas que faltaram no trabalho por causa da chuva forte podem ter salário descontado - Noticia Informe

People who missed work because of heavy rain can have their wages deducted


The population of São Paulo is experiencing chaos throughout this Monday, the 10th. During the early morning, the capital of São Paulo was affected by Heavy rain, which led to the city being flooded in several important points. Marginal roads were filled with water and many roads became impassable. This scenario made life very difficult for people from São Paulo who had to leave home to work.

That's because many people were unable to get to their place of work. Others had to be delayed due to route changes and heavy traffic. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that these people's wages will not be deducted. This is because the CLT does not provide for absence allowance in these unforeseen cases. Want to know more about this issue? Then keep reading this article!


chuva forte
Learn why salary can be deducted even in times of heavy rain! (Source: Disclosure)

CLT does not provide for absence allowance in case of heavy rain!

The CLT's omission regarding absences caused by unforeseen events was confirmed by Carlos Silva, legal director of the Brazilian Association of Human Resources. According to him, the legislation makes no mention of the leave allowance “for reasons of force majeure”. Therefore, in cases of flooding, flooding and public transport employee strikes, the employee has no guarantee that his salary will not be deducted.

There are, of course, some cases provided for by the country's legislation. Weddings, deaths of family members, entrance exams and military services are some of them. As today's incident does not fit into any of these situations, it is critical that employees communicate with their employers. It is important that they provide evidence, such as photos and videos, that prove their impossibility to go to work.


If the employer does not pay for the absence, the employee has the option of seeking to compensate for the lost hours. He can negotiate overtime and even extra days with his boss. Even so, it is worth investigating whether the union of your category in your region did not grant you the right to pay this absence through agreements with your company.

Final considerations

That said, we News Report we hope we have clarified why employees who are absent on workdays Heavy rain may have their salary deducted. Comment if you are from São Paulo and had difficulties getting to your workplace today. Also, say what you think about the CLT's omission on the absence allowance in cases of unforeseen events. Finally, be sure to continue following our website!


Source: wow