Perícias médicas não foram feitas mesmo depois de um ano de publicação de MP do pente-fino do INSS - Noticia Informe

Medical examinations were not carried out even after a year of publication of the MP from the INSS fine-tooth comb


In January 2019, Jair Bolsonaro signed the Provisional Measure of the fine-tooth comb of the INSS, promising savings of almost R$ 10 billion for public coffers. This is because the government decided to review all the benefits granted by the agency in order to eliminate existing irregularities. However, it's been over a year and nothing substantial has happened.

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) approached the Ministry of Economy at the end of last year to find out what the government had done about the MP. According to the federal agency's response, the INSS has not yet selected the benefits that will be reviewed. For this reason, the forensic activities were not initiated. Want to know more about the government's delay in executing the fine-tooth comb MP? Then continue reading this article!


Find out about the government's lack of action regarding the INSS fine-tooth comb MP! (Photo: Marcelo Camargo/ Agência Brasil)

Learn more about the government's inaction regarding the INSS fine-tooth comb MP

The benefits that are in the government's sights are those that are suspected of irregularity or that were not examined within a period of 6 months. The benefits of continued provision (BPC) that extrapolated 2 years will also be analyzed.

So far, the government has failed to reach even half of its target. The latest INSS survey revealed that 261,000 benefits were cancelled. Thus, the agency stopped making payments to people who have died or to civil servants who received more than they should. In this way, the Union was able to save R$ 4.3 billion.


The government justifies its delay with regard to the expertise of the benefits of continuous provision by the need to make changes to the rules. According to him, this normative change needs to be approved by several ministries. With regard to other disability benefits, the government states that an operating system has yet to be finalized.

The government's forecast predicts that, by the end of the year, the review of approximately 170,000 benefits identified by the INSS will be carried out.

Final considerations

With that in mind, we News Report we hope we have clarified why the government has not yet done anything effective with regard to the fine-tooth comb PM of the INSS. Comment what you think about this delay in complying with the program. Also, say if you believe that the Union will benefit from the review of benefits. Finally, keep following our website to learn more about our country's economy.


Source: G1