Dicas para economizar na compra de supermercado do mês - Noticia Informe

Tips to save on grocery shopping


Sometimes we plan, we leave home with a list, and when we look at the cart when paying for groceries, we realize that the planning went wrong. If you've identified with this scenario, it's clear that you need our selection of tips to save on grocery shopping.

In reality, making a purchase requires planning that takes into account several types of products. In addition, it takes into account the size of your family and also everyone's consumption habits. 


dicas para economizar na compra de supermercado
If you're looking for tips to save on grocery shopping, be sure to check out our selection! (Photo: Disclosure)

Knowing that our group of voters is quite heterogeneous, we separate tips that can be applied to any family. This also goes for those who live alone! So check out these valuable and general tips to save on grocery shopping!

3 Tips to save on grocery shopping

Make your monthly budget

Look, we're not even telling you to stick to the budget yet. The simple act of putting down on paper how much you earn and how much you spend monthly at the supermarket will tell you a lot about how your family consumes. Are expenses outweighing earnings because trips to the market are too expensive?


This is a sign that things are not going well. In fact, we asked that the budget be made just for that. Having an idea of the damage that market purchases are doing is the beginning of awareness. 

Think about what is superfluous spending

Calm down, we haven't asked you to make any sudden changes yet. All you need to do is think about what happens when you go to the market. This simple act can help you recognize spending patterns that are hurting your finances. See some examples:


  • when I go to the market, my children ask me to take a lot of things


Perhaps a good way to avoid taking so many products for children is not to take them to the market. Is it possible to establish days and times when they are not with you to go shopping? Maybe changing market hours to when they are at school or with their spouse is a good thing.


  • when I go to the market and see something new, I want to buy it 


Carrying a shopping list with previously established products can help. Also, how about estimating the value of each of the products and going to the market with a preview of the total amount you can spend that day/week? Having a monthly budget set in advance will help you find that amount. 

A good side of all this is that, by stipulating an amount to spend, it is possible to spend what is left (if left). In this context, there is no reason not to buy a new product. 


  • when I go to the market I don't remember what I had to buy

In this case, the list continues to help.


  • I'm not the one who goes to the market


Make the list together with the person who goes to the market for you, or give it to them. If it's your spouse, you can even ask them to show the invoice proving that no excess was committed. However, it's not fair that you don't owe them the same satisfactions when you shop.


  • I can't control myself when I have my credit card


Do not make purchases with your credit card. Take cash before arriving at the supermarket and pay for everything in cash. 

follow the budget

Now there is no way. For effective changes to occur in your budget, you need to spend less. To spend less, you need to cut spending somewhere. Or you do it when shopping, or in another important area. 

These are ours tips to save on grocery shopping.  As we said, you will see that the process starts with awareness and not directly with the cuts. Time to put the tips into practice! Oh, if you want to check out tips on other economics topics, keep following our items!