Teste de gravidez on-line: veja como fazê-lo com este aplicativo - Noticia Informe

Online pregnancy test: see how to do it with this app


The pregnancy test is an important test that can help women determine whether or not they are pregnant. With the advancement of technology, nowadays it is possible to perform the pregnancy test at home, through urine tests or online pregnancy test apps.

Taking a home pregnancy test can be a quick and convenient way to get an early indication of pregnancy without having to visit a doctor or health clinic. Also, online pregnancy test apps offer an easy and affordable way to take a pregnancy test right on your mobile phone.


However, it's important to remember that home pregnancy tests are not a substitute for a proper doctor's appointment. If you suspect you are pregnant, it is always recommended to make an appointment with your doctor for proper confirmation.

Best Apps to Take an Online Pregnancy Test

In this article, we'll talk about how to take a home pregnancy test, the different types of tests available, and how to use online pregnancy test apps. We'll also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of taking a home pregnancy test and when to seek medical help.


1. Pregnancy Test – Prank Maker

This app is a little different from the others on this list in that it is not a real pregnancy test. Pregnancy Test – Prank Maker allows you to prank your friends and family by pretending you are pregnant. It uses your smartphone's camera to simulate a positive or negative pregnancy test.

The app has a simple and easy to use interface where you can choose the result you want and have it displayed on your phone screen. It is important to note that this app is not a substitute for a real pregnancy test and should not be used as a method of confirming pregnancy.

2. Flo – Period & Ovulation Tracker

Flo is a period and ovulation tracking app that also offers an online pregnancy test. In addition, the app provides detailed information about the menstrual cycle, including the most fertile time, and can help you predict the date of your next period.

Flo's pregnancy test is based on advanced algorithms that use information such as the date of the last period, the length of the menstrual cycle and other symptoms to calculate the probability of pregnancy. The result is displayed on the app's screen and can help you know if it's time to schedule a doctor's appointment or take a traditional pregnancy test.

3. Glow – Ovulation & Fertility Tracker

Glow is an app similar to Flo that lets you track your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertility. The app also offers an online pregnancy test that uses the same advanced algorithm technology as Flo to calculate the probability of pregnancy.

Glow also offers a community feature where you can connect with other women who are trying to get pregnant or who are already pregnant. The app is free to download but offers in-app purchases for premium features like an advanced fertility monitor.

4. First Response

First Response is a free app that offers a simulation of a traditional pregnancy test. It allows you to select the brand of pregnancy test you would normally use and simulates the entire process from collecting the urine to getting the result.

The app also includes useful information about pregnancy symptoms, nutrition tips and an ovulation calendar. While this app does not provide an actual online pregnancy test, it can be helpful in helping you understand the testing process and what to expect during the process.

5. iCan

iCan is a free online pregnancy test app that uses a questionnaire to calculate the probability of pregnancy. It asks a series of questions about your symptoms, medical history and other information to help determine whether or not you are pregnant. The app is easy to use and provides fast and accurate results.

Plus, it includes useful information about pregnancy symptoms, nutrition, and general health during pregnancy. While it's important to remember that the iCan is not a replacement for a traditional pregnancy test, it can be useful for anyone who doesn't have access to a pregnancy test or is looking for a first indication of pregnancy.

6. Ovia Pregnancy Tracker

Ovia is a free app that offers a quiz-based online pregnancy test. It asks a series of questions about your symptoms, medical history, and other factors to determine the likelihood of pregnancy.

The app also offers detailed pregnancy information, including nutrition and exercise advice, as well as a weight tracker and fetal development timeline.

7. BabyCenter Pregnancy Tracker

BabyCenter is a free app that offers an online pregnancy test based on questionnaires and menstrual cycle information. It asks a series of questions about your symptoms, menstrual cycle dates, and other factors to determine the likelihood of pregnancy.

The app also offers pregnancy information, including nutrition and exercise advice, as well as a weight tracker and fetal development timeline.

8. Pink Pad Period Tracker & Fertility

Pink Pad is a free app that offers an online pregnancy test based on information about the menstrual cycle and symptoms. It allows you to track your menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility, as well as take an online pregnancy test.

The app also includes pregnancy information, nutrition and exercise advice, and a symptom diary.

9. Kindara Fertility & Ovulation Tracker

Kindara is a free app that offers an online pregnancy test based on information about the menstrual cycle and symptoms. It allows you to track your menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility, as well as take an online pregnancy test.

The app also includes pregnancy information, nutrition and exercise advice, and a mood and stress tracker.

10. Fertility Friend

Fertility Friend is a free app that offers an online pregnancy test based on information about your menstrual cycle and symptoms. It allows you to track your menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility, as well as take an online pregnancy test. The app also includes pregnancy information, nutrition and exercise advice, as well as a basal temperature chart.

11. Clue

Period Tracker is a menstrual health app that can be used as an online pregnancy test. The app tracks your menstrual cycle and provides information about your fertile period and ovulation days. In addition, the Clue app also allows you to record your body's symptoms such as nausea, tiredness and mood swings.

When you suspect you may be pregnant, Clue can help indicate the possibility of pregnancy based on your symptoms and hormonal changes. The app also provides useful information about pregnancy and health care options for expectant mothers.

The pregnancy test is an important test for women who want to determine if they are pregnant or not. With the advancement of technology, nowadays it is possible to perform the pregnancy test at home, through urine tests or online pregnancy test apps.

While home pregnancy tests are convenient and affordable, it's important to remember that they are not a substitute for a proper doctor's appointment. Home pregnancy tests are only an early indication of pregnancy and if you suspect you are pregnant it is always recommended to make an appointment with your doctor for proper confirmation.

Also, it's important to choose the right type of pregnancy test and follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results. If your home pregnancy test is positive, you need to seek medical help immediately to ensure you receive the proper care.

Overall, home pregnancy tests and online pregnancy test apps offer an easy and affordable way to take a pregnancy test, but they are not a substitute for proper medical advice. If you are considering taking a home pregnancy test or using an online pregnancy test app, be sure to discuss this with your doctor to ensure you are getting the best care possible.