Critérios para deixar viagens mais baratas! - Noticia Informe

Criteria to make travel cheaper!


It is a mistake to think that you need to have a lot of money to travel. In this post, we News Report we tell you why you abandoned that belief. In reality, to do cheapest travel all you need is a little information. For this reason, we've separated 4 criteria to keep in mind if you dream of traveling, but don't have the money you think you need. For someone with a monthly income of 15,000 reais, an expensive trip is not the same as an expensive trip for someone earning the minimum wage. Therefore, the criteria that we put below can be suitable for any type of budget. The important thing is not to stop traveling!

viagens mais baratas
Learn how to travel cheaper! Traveling doesn't always have to be expensive. (Photo: Disclosure)

Don't stop leaving home because you think you don't have money: check out 4 aspects to observe if you want to make your trips cheaper


One thing that tends to make travel quite expensive, regardless of the destination, is planning. With time in advance, many destinations can be visited without breaking your budget.


Everything can be much simpler if you are not in a hurry to travel. Tickets purchased on the spot can be much more expensive than when purchased months in advance. Always keep this in mind if you want to do cheaper travel.


Another factor that contributes a lot to the price of a trip is the chosen destination. Obviously, a trip to Australia costs much more than a trip to Campos do Jordão. This is both in terms of transport and accommodation. In this context, to cheapest travel it is often important to start with more economical destinations.



Another factor to observe is the duration of the trip, especially in the case of international destinations. The amount of days you spend traveling interferes a lot with the investment. Furthermore, when we think of destinations that become more expensive per season, this is an even more relevant factor to consider.

In this context, be sure to consider these issues when planning cheaper travel. For example, going to the beach in August will cost you much less than going to the beach in January.


Finally, it is also worth noting that the number of people traveling with you greatly interferes with the total value of the project. In fact, traveling with a lot of people is more interesting and economical than traveling alone, as you can share many of the bills. A trip with a driver per application, for example, divided by 4 people is quite profitable.

Considering all the above criteria, there are no more obstacles for you to stop traveling. plan cheapest travel and get out of the house! If this year doesn't work, 2020 is right around the corner. Traveling is an excellent goal to establish at the beginning of the year. So why not take that dream destination off paper? we do News Report we hope you make cool dreams come true with your money!