Opções de lanches baratos para crianças pequenas - Noticia Informe

Cheap snack options for young children


Having children is not an easy task. In addition to being complicated in terms of education and care, caring for someone who is helpless can be very expensive. What parent hasn't felt a pinch when his son asks for money for lunch when he didn't have anything in his wallet? In this context, we News Report we think it's interesting to share options for cheap snacks for young children. Not all parents have time to monitor the quality of food their children consume. However, this is even more difficult when the father only gives lunch money. In this case, although it would be interesting to use this opportunity to teach the child to handle money, being responsible for buying what the child will eat can positively affect his health. As you will see, healthy food is cheap.

lanches baratos para crianças pequenas


Check out cheap snack options for young children! (Photo: Disclosure)

5 healthy types of cheap snacks for young children


Let's start with the cheapest option on the market for snacks. Having an abundance of fruit at home can come in handy when your child needs a snack to take to school. An apple, pear, banana, peach, plum or even a bunch of grapes are delicious and extremely nutritious options.


Natural Sandwiches

If your child is not very fond of fruit, there is always the possibility of bringing natural sandwiches for snack time. With 100% wholemeal bread, pâtés, vegetables and leaves it is possible to arrive at delicious combinations. It is not necessary to make a masterpiece every day, but we hope we have made it clear that it is possible to vary the options for cheap snacks for young children. 


Children don't always snack only at school. So, it's good that you know how to get by with some ingredients that, in general, are in every refrigerator. Milk, for example. Mixed with banana, strawberry, chocolate and avocado you have an excellent snack. Cheap, nutritious and refreshing too!


Not every child likes grains, but it is possible to educate them to eat a few small portions a week. A good way to introduce them into your child's diet is by mixing walnuts, almonds or peanuts with a portion of fruit. Since the portion of the grain is small (a maximum of 6 per day), it is possible to buy a good amount every week to divide later.

It is this act of dividing into portions that makes this a good option among cheap snacks for young children.

Yogurt enriched with probiotics

Finally, it is worth remembering that a healthy and cheap alternative for lunch is yogurt. Preferably, it's nice that the chosen brand has live probiotics, which help with digestion. In general, this type of food is cheaper when you buy it by the liter or in packs of 4 or 6 units.

The point of this article is to teach parents to vary the options of cheap snacks for young children. It is not always necessary for you to give one of the above alternatives, although they are quite healthy. Obviously, at times you will prefer to give a little money, but always remember to try to balance the child's diet. She gets nourished and you spend less!