Falta de álcool em gel e máscaras cirúrgicas já é sentida em farmácias de São Paulo - Noticia Informe

Lack of gel alcohol and surgical masks is already felt in pharmacies in São Paulo


The effects of the fear caused by the coronavirus outbreak in China are already being felt in São Paulo. In pharmacies and markets in the capital of São Paulo, it is already more difficult to find surgical masks and gel alcohol. This concern about the virus has increased in the city thanks to the confirmation of the first case in the country. With that in mind, Uol visited ten establishments in order to find out which of them still had these products.

The conclusion of the survey carried out this Friday (28), is that only one of them still had gel alcohol. The protective mask was not found in any establishment. According to sellers, there was a drastic change in demand for these products after the appearance of the first case in São Paulo. Continue reading to learn more about this concern of São Paulo residents with the coronavirus.


máscaras cirúrgicas
Understand why it is more difficult to find surgical masks and gel alcohol in São Paulo. (Photo: Disclosure)

Understand the greater demand for surgical masks and alcohol gel in São Paulo

According to the saleswoman at a pharmacy in the city, Luciene Batista, the establishment's masks and gel alcohol ran out on the day the first case of infection was confirmed in Brazil. She stated that it usually took a week for the hand sanitizer to run out. However, that day, the product ran out in a matter of hours.

According to the manager of another pharmacy in the capital, Carlos Roberto, this situation has become routine since the day the first infected person was confirmed in the country. According to him, from then on, there is a daily replacement of the products. Still, they sell out within hours.


Carlos also stated that, the day before the survey (27), a customer went to the pharmacy to look for the products, but they were out of stock. Therefore, she returned to the establishment very early the next day to guarantee her purchase.

Still according to another employee interviewed by Uol, there are customers who purchase more than 10 units of the same product in the same purchase.

Final considerations

That said, we News Report we hope we have clarified why pharmacies and markets in São Paulo are running out of alcohol gel and surgical masks. Comment if you live in São Paulo and have been following this concern of São Paulo with the coronavirus.

Also be sure to follow our website. That's because you will know more information about the economy of our country and also the rest of the world. In addition to this news about the increased demand for products such as surgical masks in pharmacies in São Paulo, we will inform you about other relevant issues.


Source: wow