Pandemia do coronavírus leva Apple a fechar lojas fora da China - Noticia Informe

Coronavirus pandemic prompts Apple to close stores outside China


If you are thinking about buying any Apple product, know that you will have to do it over the internet. For now, all of the company's stores outside China are closed. This was a measure taken by the company to combat the transmission of the coronavirus. According to Tim Cook, CEO of apple, the stores will be closed until the 27th of March.

It is worth remembering that this measure does not apply to stores in China. They have already gone through this process since February 1, when the epidemic reached its peak in the country. Now that this period has passed, the units have reopened. For now, Apple stores outside the Asian country will only operate online. Continue reading to find out more about the status of the company's units in places like Brazil.


Learn more about Apple store closures outside China! (Photo: Disclosure)

More information about how Apple stores work

Tim Cook said, in his statement, that Apple stores were closed to avoid the concentration of people. According to him, this is the most effective way to minimize the transmission of the coronavirus. It is important to mention that the virus can be transmitted through the air or through contact with contaminated secretions. Therefore, it is important that people avoid agglomerations.

With that in mind, the company will only sell its products outside China through its online stores. Still, the institution's orientation is that its employees work from home if possible.


It is worth mentioning that Apple has more than 500 units in more than 24 countries. Its headquarters are located in California. As for the company's forty-two units in China, they were back up and running last week.

Final considerations

Having said that, we News Report We hope you understood the main information regarding the closure of Apple stores outside China. Comment if you had plans to visit any of the company's units in the coming days. Also let us know if you think more companies should make the same decision.

Finally, continue to follow our website to learn the main information about the economy of our country and other parts of the world. In addition to this news about the stores in apple, we'll let you know about the main news of the day! So stay tuned for our next publications.


Source: G1