O que te impede de experimentar as exposições e viagens virtuais? - Noticia Informe

What stops you from experiencing the exhibitions and virtual trips?


Even indoors, you can stroll through parks, museums, safaris and cities around the world. The universe of virtual travel is a domain that until now few people were interested in knowing. However, with social isolation, people are more open to exploring this resource! However, you need to keep an eye out! Yet that there be a feast of exhibitions and virtual tours out there, not all are of good quality.

There are countless lists on the Internet touting great experiences, but we at news report we recommend that you don't waste your time with several of them. Some rules need to be established to mine the available options: the technology needs to be easy to enjoy, of reasonable quality and, in some way, offer viewers part of what “being there” means. 


viagens virtuais
Learn how you can participate in exhibitions and virtual trips! (Photo: Disclosures)

Understand how to enjoy exhibitions and virtual trips!

The quality of the virtual trip is a determining factor for you to have a good experience. In this sense, there are possibilities that are very good, but unfortunately they are not accessible. This is the case of the virtual tour of MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo), which combines audio, image and movement in a fantastic way. The problem is that this “tour” requires virtual reality headsets (known as VR) and cardboard glasses from Google (cardboard). 

There are options for applications that, despite not having as much quality, can be accessed by all audiences. Most of them offer 360 degree photos. That way, you can get to know Chile through the Chile 360º app or see the Disney parks. Other apps put you on top of the Eiffel Tower or take you to Easter Island at sunrise. Still, there are cases that are disappointing. On the Concorde interior tour, for example, you make a full circle of the site, go up and down the aisle, and your trip ends abruptly.


The best bets are the museums where the spaces are so high that walking through them on the screen is a delight! Two options that we recommend are a visit to Hermitage in Saint Petersburg or The Elms in Rhode Island.

It is worth it also look for destinations that are offering more interactive experiences, such as “Discover Puerto Rico”. The organizers of this project promoted three nights of activities on Instagram Live. On those days, they offer salsa dancing, cocktail and cooking classes. Singita Sabi Sand, in South Africa, also offers safaris on Instagram Live.

Final considerations

Having said that, we hope you enjoyed our suggestions! If you participate in any of the virtual trips that we mentioned here, be sure to tell us about your experience! We will be happy to know!