Conheça o BMG Card, um cartão consignado ótimo para negativados! - Noticia Informe

Meet the BMG Card, a great payroll card for negatives!


Are you in need of money? So know that you are not the only one! Because, like you, many people were directly or indirectly affected by the new coronavirus pandemic! And because of that, we decided to make a post that could help you get out of this situation as possible. Therefore, we know that for this to happen, it is very important to have the BMG Card next to!

Yeah, he's good for those who are negative! Because, being a type of payroll card, when the bank withdraws some amount from your payroll, it will be a minimum percentage! With that, you are not in danger of defaulting. However, it is important to emphasize: the companies that adhere to this type of credit, delimit the public to pensioners, retirees and civil servants - because, for the reason that these companies debit a portion of the invoice on the payroll.


In addition, this type of process for people with a dirty name is a good advantage. For, first, these people have less opportunity to accumulate, again, more debt. However, it is worth remembering that this is due to the fact that in this way it gives permission for them to benefit from the bank itself. Since as a company, they will be guaranteed that their users will honor their debts, regardless of financial history.

BMG Card
Get more information about BMG! (Photo: Freepik/ katemangostar)

know more

The BMG card has lower rates when compared to the INSS. That's because, in addition to being international, it has no annuity! This is very good for people who want to have a cheaper option with many advantages. So stay tuned with that and BMG!


To order their card, you will need to go to their website. In the “BMG for you” option, there you will see the “Credit and Debit Card” tab. Then, click there and then click on “Order this product”. And, quickly, you will be directed to a page, where you will be invited to open an account! Very simple and fast, you will fill out a form from the entity and, that's it, you will have completed the request.


With this post, we want to make it clear to you that you want to open a contract with BMG Card. So, comment below what your opinion is about this tip and let us know if it met your demand. Finally, we invite you to continue to follow our website for more information on the subject. Well, we'll always keep you up to date with all the new news on this market. So don't miss any of our updates and news around here!