Programa Novos Caminhos abre mais de 750 Vagas para Cursos Técnico

Novos Caminhos Program opens more than 750 vacancies for Technical and Professional Qualification Courses


More than 750 vacancies are open for technical Kurdish and professional qualification vacancies for the Novos Caminhos Program, according to the Secretariat of Professional and Technical Education (Setec), the Ministry of Education (MEC), in cooperation with the University of Cape Verde ( UniRV).

The Novos Caminhos Program offers professional and technical education (EPT) courses, which will be carried out in a distance education model (EaD).


Programa Novos Caminhos
New Paths Program (Photo: Disclosure)

In total, vacancies are offered for the following initial and continuing education courses (FIC):

  • Accounting assistant;
  • Seller;
  • Basic Spanish;
  • School secretary and event hostess.

In addition, more than 300 vacancies are open for technical courses in the areas of business, administration and public services.


Discover the New Paths Program

The Novos Caminhos Program is a series of actions by the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education (MEC), to strengthen professional and technical education in the country.

The project was created in 2019 and replaces the National Program (Pronatec) for obtaining technical education and employment.

The federal government invests through the Novos Caminhos Program, in support of educational networks and institutions that offer free technical and professional qualification courses, meeting the needs of the productive sector and the so-called future occupations. stimulate the economy

In this sense, the objective of the Novos Caminhos Program is to promote the insertion of young people in the labor market through professional qualification and to prepare workers so that they can seek a better position in the different branches of activity.

According to the program, the goal is to improve the qualification of workers through technical vocational courses, which is a way to meet the needs of various regions, heat up the market and stimulate the economy.

New Paths Program Courses

The federal government's 2020-2023 multi-year plan calls for vocational and technical education enrollments to reach 3.4 million by 2023, an increase of 80% from 2019, the year the plan was created.

In 2020, the incentive courses offered by the Novos Caminhos Program offered 208.6 thousand vacancies, 208.2 thousand of which were short-term (average of 200 hours) and 400 technical courses. All opportunities are in remote mode (EaD).

Thousands of vacancies at the Federal Research Institute of Southern Minas Gerais (IFSuldeMinas) and at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) have already started in 2021 and will grow throughout the year. The budget proposal takes into account market forecasts based on data from the general register (cage) of employed and unemployed persons.

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The Novos Caminhos Program has an interactive panel on its page that contains requirements for the federative units and their respective intermediate areas.

How can I participate in the Novos Caminhos Program?

Students wishing to participate in one of the courses in the Novos Caminhos Program should follow the news published on the MEC (Ministry of Education) website and the vacancy announcements posted on the internet.

Information such as notifications, number of vacancies, selection process and calendars are issued separately by the institution offering the courses.