Como investir dinheiro no Tesouro Direto Selic - Noticia Informe

How to invest money in the Selic Direct Treasury


Are you disappointed with the yield on your savings account? we do News Report we have a solution for you. start to Invest money in the Selic Direct Treasury and watch your possessions increase.

investir dinheiro no Tesouro Direto Selic
Find out about how to invest money in the Selic Direct Treasury! (Photo: Disclosure)

Why invest money in the Selic Direct Treasury?

The answer is very simple. The purchase of public securities consists of a loan of money to the government. The benefit of this investment is the possibility of you getting your capital back with interest.


The best part of investing your money in Selic Treasury it's knowing that you can trust who will owe you. The chances of you getting your money back are much greater than what you would have if you loaned your money to a cousin who has a reputation for being a deadbeat.

This is because the State does not stop paying its debts. The absence of money in the public coffers would be the only reason he would have to default. Still, before that happens, the government would end up charging more taxes to solve your problem.


For this reason, you can rest assured that when you invest your savings in the Selic Treasury, the risk of losing your money is very low.

In addition, the liquidity of this type of investment is high. You can redeem the accumulated amount whenever you want without having to leave at a loss.

It is also important to mention that the income of those who buy this type of bond is calculated based on the Selic rate. Of course, if its value decreases after you invest your money, the return on your investment will be lower. Still, you won't lose money.

If you want to accumulate even more capital, we recommend that you postpone the withdrawal of your money as much as possible. This is because you will receive a larger amount if you have the patience to wait for the bond's maturity date.

Knowing all these benefits, there is no reason for you not to set aside part of your income to buy government bonds.

How to make this investment

It is very simple to make this investment. First, you need to open an account at a bank or a stockbroker. When you complete your registration, this institution will mediate between you and the Direct Treasury.

Therefore, you can easily buy and sell titles over the internet. For you to make a good deal, it is important that you choose a good financial institution that will help you to know if this type of investment is the most suitable for you.

Even so, know that investing money in the Selic Direct Treasury is the best decision that people who want to start investing their money in the financial market can make. That's because they won't run the risk of losing their savings or not being able to redeem them before the bond's maturity date.