Quer abrir um negócio? Mercado de cervejas sem álcool cresce no exterior - Noticia Informe

Want to open a business? Non-alcoholic beer market grows abroad


Anyone who wants to open a different but profitable business should keep an eye on the non-alcoholic beer market. This is because it is growing abroad and is increasingly attracting the attention of several entrepreneurs. In England and Germany, for example, there are already a lot of people earning a lot of money with this product. He's getting a lot of attention because the number of people who want to drink less alcohol (or even stop consuming it) is increasing a lot. Therefore, it is worth thinking about investing your money in this market. If you want to know more about it, keep reading this article.

mercado de cerveja sem álcool
Keep an eye on the non-alcoholic beer market! (Photo: Disclosure)

More information about the non-alcoholic beer market

It's no joke how non-alcoholic beer has made many people profit in European countries. In the UK, from March 2018 to February 2019, the market for this product advanced 28% compared to the previous 12 months. In Germany, the data are even more impressive: one in every 15 beers does not contain alcohol. You can see, therefore, how this market has grown, even in countries that have a tradition linked to alcoholic beverages.


If you think that this type of business is doomed to bankruptcy in Brazil, you are wrong. It is a fact that this drink is not so common on Brazilian tables. However, the segment of non-alcoholic beers is growing in parallel with that of craft beers in the country. Therefore, investing in this business can make you earn a lot of money, even if it is still small in Brazil.

It is worth remembering that more and more people are seeking to adhere to a healthier lifestyle. This makes them turn away from alcohol. There are many diseases that are caused by this product: liver inflammation, gastrointestinal, heart and vascular problems, anemia and even cancer.


We also need to mention alcoholism, a chronic illness that makes many people need to get away from alcohol once and for all.

But we don't need to go that far to point out the problems that alcoholic beverages bring to the lives of many people. It makes it even more difficult for a person to lose weight, for example. Therefore, people who want to have a fit lifestyle often end up reducing the consumption of this type of drink to reach their ideal weight.

Bearing this in mind, Brazilian companies that produce excellent quality non-alcoholic beers will be able to gain many customers in the coming years. Consequently, they will also be able to accumulate a lot of money. Therefore, if you are thinking about opening a business, we recommend that you invest in this segment. The chances of it being very profitable are great!

Final considerations

That said, we at Notícia Informe hope that you have understood how the non-alcoholic beer market has grown abroad. As you can see, he is also quite promising in Brazil. If you have any more questions about him, leave a comment below! Also be sure to follow our upcoming articles on investments.