Melhores opções de investimentos a longo prazo - Noticia Informe

Best long-term investment options


If you're thinking about starting to save money for your retirement or to buy a house, we recommend that you don't keep your savings in savings. Of course, it's much better to think about options for long term investment.

investimento a longo prazo
Find out how to make a good long-term investment! (Photo: Disclosure)

Discover excellent long-term investment options

When making an investment, you don't run the risk of being affected by inflation and still benefit from greater profitability. That way, if you want to see your capital multiply, it's best to start investing your money in the right place.


We will then show you some interesting options for long-term investments. Thus, you will be able to choose the one that is most suitable for you!

Treasury Direct

When we talk about short-term investment, Fazenda Direto is immediately remembered by many people. But what about when we want to apply our money and leave it yielding for much longer?


Yet in this case, the story is the same. It is still worth investing in government bonds. This is because the risks of this investment are very low. For you to lose your money, the State needs to go bankrupt – which is not so simple to happen.

In addition, the profitability of those who invest in the Direct Treasury is greater than that of savings.

private pension

Many people decide to make investments to increase their chances of having a comfortable retirement. If you are part of this group, we at News Report we say it's a good idea to put your savings into a good provident fund.

By doing this, you can expect a good return on your money. Mainly because you will be free of the half-yearly collection of Income Tax known as “quota eaters”.

In addition, if you leave your money yielding for a long time in the provident fund, you will be able to reduce your income tax rate.


The Bank Deposit Certificate, better known as CBD, is also part of the good long-term investment options. Unlike the Direct Treasury, it is a bond issued by financial institutions.

For you to be able to save good money for future projects, you need to buy a bond with a long maturity period. By respecting this date, you will have great possibilities of seeing your capital yield more.

Another great benefit of the CDB is the guarantee of the Credit Guarantee Fund. Thanks to it, you will not be harmed if the bank in which you made your investment goes bankrupt.

Remember, however, that the FGC only protects amounts up to two hundred and fifty thousand reais. Therefore, do not apply larger amounts if you do not want to risk losing your money.

Final thoughts on long-term investment

As you can see, there are excellent options for long term investment available to you. Keep an eye out for them when you want to keep your money for a long time. That way, you will increase your chances of having a safer future.