831 trabalhadores receberão a partir de hoje o auxílio do governo de R$ 600 - Noticia Informe

831 workers will receive, as of today, government assistance of R$ 600


This Tuesday (14), the government will start paying emergency aid of R$ 600 to 831 thousand Brazilians. Caixa stated that this portion of the population signed up for the Single Registry by March 20 and does not receive Bolsa Família. Of this number, 557.8 Brazilians will receive the government aid by Caixa Digital Savings. The remaining 273.2 thousand will be paid through the Banco do Brasil account.

As for Brazilians who will receive the amount through Poupança Digital Caixa, only those born in January will be paid this Tuesday. Those born in February, March and April will receive the aid on Wednesday (15). Those born in September, October, November and December will benefit on Thursday (14). Continue reading to learn more about paying the “coronavoucher”.


auxílio do governo
Understand how the payment of government aid will be made. (Photo: Disclosure)

More information about paying government aid

Those who signed up through the Caixa Auxílio Emergencial app need to be a little more patient. The government will only start releasing the benefit to this public from Thursday. Those who registered through Caixa's website will also start to be paid on that date.

It is important to mention that people who receive Bolsa Família are automatically registered to obtain the “coronavoucher”. The payment date for this audience is in accordance with the program's calendar. Caixa stated that Brazilians with the last digit of the NIS equal to 1 will receive the benefit on Thursday (16). As for those who have the last digit of the NIS equal to 2 will be paid on Friday (17).


The next two installments of the aid will be paid according to the beneficiary's month of birth. You can check the dates here.

If you want to withdraw the amount, you must pay attention to the calendar indicated by Caixa. Each Brazilian will be able to withdraw the amount received on the day indicated for their birthday month. To know this date, you can access this site.

It is worth mentioning that it is still possible to register in the Caixa application or on the bank's website. However, be aware that you do not need to register if you registered with CadÚnico by March 20, 2020. People who are registered with Bolsa Família do not need to register either.

Final considerations

That said, we News Report we hope we clarified how the government aid will be paid in the next few days. Comment if you've already managed to receive this benefit or if you have any questions about its transfer. Finally, be sure to follow our website!


Source: wow