Veja como solicitar saque digital do FGTS em poucos cliques - Noticia Informe

See how to request FGTS digital withdrawal in a few clicks


Since February 2020, people no longer need to go to Caixa to withdraw money from their Severance Guarantee Fund. Thanks to technology, things are easier: you can make a FGTS digital withdrawal. When we talk in these terms, many people can get confused. After all, how could that happen? Could the money come out of your own computer?

Obviously this is not possible! The FGTS digital withdrawal is nothing more than a way to transfer the Guarantee Fund money to any other account. That way, through a digital procedure, you can withdraw your money at any other bank! If you want to know how it is possible to do this, continue reading our article! We will explain below all the steps you must follow.


saque digital do fgts
Learn how to withdraw the FGTS digitally! (Photo: Disclosure)

Discover how it is possible to withdraw FGTS digitally

The first thing you need to do to complete the FGTS digital withdrawal is to download the FGTS application. It is available for both Android and iPhone. When you download the app, you will need to register. This step is not complicated at all. Just indicate your data (CPF, full name, date of birth, etc.)

When you have finished registering, you will be able to identify which amount is available for withdrawal. If you have any amount released, you can now make your digital withdrawal. It is necessary to indicate an account for this. She can be from Caixa or any other banking institution! It is worth mentioning that this functionality is free! Therefore, you will not have any cost to withdraw your money.


However, it is good to make it clear that this operation is not immediate. The amount will only be available in the indicated account after 5 working days. So, if you need to use the amount on the same day you make the operation, prefer to make your withdrawal at a Caixa branch. That way, you won't run the risk of getting your money stuck.

Final considerations

Having said that, we News Report we hope we have clarified what you need to do to perform a FGTS digital withdrawal. Comment below what you thought of this operation! We are curious to know! Finally, be sure to continue reading the posts on our website! We have a lot of interesting content waiting for you.