Tudo o que você precisa saber para ter a sua CNH gratuita - Noticia Informe

Everything you need to know to get your free driving license


Did you know there is a government benefit that allows you to get your National Driver's License (CNH) for free? It's called CNH Social and you pay absolutely nothing. A CNH Social it has existed since 2011 and many people are still unaware of its existence. In this article, we will show you all the information you need to get your free driving license.

The Federal Government created the CNH Social with the intention of favoring low-income families to obtain a free driver's license, providing training, qualification and professional qualification for drivers of motor vehicles. Keep reading this article to find out how to get yours!


CNH gratuita
Check out how to get your free CNH! (Source: Accounting Portal)

Getting your free CNH step by step

First, know that the benefit includes:

  • the first qualification in categories A or B;
  • the addition of Category A or B; 
  • the change of Category C, D or E.

In addition to the free license, professional training courses are also offered that qualify vehicle drivers for the job market in the transport sector.


It is also important to be aware of the requirements required to request the benefit of free driving license. The criteria vary from state to state. You must meet all mandatory requirements. In addition, you must meet at least one of the other conditions listed below:

  • be a professional in the transport sector;
  • be enrolled in the Single Registry (CADÚnico);
  • be a student or have studied in a public school;
  • be over 18 years old and be literate (mandatory);
  • being unemployed for more than 1 year or being an ex-convict;
  • not have committed any traffic violation (mandatory); 
  • prove family income of up to 2 minimum wages (mandatory);
  • be a beneficiary of social programs such as Bolsa Família or Minha Casa Minha Vida.

You can apply online at the DETRAN link in your state. Click on the option CNH Social or People's Driver's License and follow the instructions on the website. After completing your registration, your data will be evaluated to confirm if you fit the program requirements. The result will be released by DETRAN, on the date specified in the notice. 

You must present some documents (original and copy) such as the CPF, a proof of residence, a photo ID (RG, CNH, CTPS or Reservista) and your marriage certificate, declaration of stable union or divorce. 

When registering, pay attention to correctly provide the information to get your free driving license. Don't forget to always consult the DETRAN website in your region to follow up on your request for social license.